Welcome to your next HOH competition. Rachel, as outgoing HOH, you will not compete.
This competition is called Lie Detectors. You will be figuring out if the following ten statements are true or false. Simple.
1. Shane was hit with a water balloon before Rachel was. 2. Drew's new HOH 11 competition had you do stuff for him including his AP Physics homework. 3. After her eviction, Ian was the first person Adria addressed in her goodbye speech. 4. Right before the Power Rankings ended, Jack was tied for last place. 5. Jessie holds this season's record for the houseguest receiving their key first the most times. 6. There were 3 secret alliance boards this season. 7. The first 3 jurors (Jun, Andrew, and Dominic) all shared the same bedroom. 8. In the 'How Bad?' competition, between all competing houseguests $123 were bid for the Memory Wall photo distortion. 9. During the first nomination ceremony, McCrae wished luck to Jean before she returned that gesture. 10. Jamie never won a competition (HOH, POV, or Luxury).
Tiebreaker: How many people were hit by water balloons? (Closest without going over)
Last Edit: Dec 10, 2013 15:02:27 GMT -6 by Chenbot